Patient & Researcher Blog
Here I aim to capture what I am learning as a newbie researcher from a patient perspective.
Living with a slow growing brain cancer
It is taboo for researchers to talk about their work before it is published.
I think that’s a bummer.
My favorite part about research is learning new things in real time. Here I share my observations as a learner and my n of 1 (personal) findings as a patient.
Note: I started blogging about brain cancer in 2008, at age 29.
I had no background or knowledge about healthcare when I began. Please excuse typos and other misconceptions. What you read here is me in real time, like a time capsule.
There are more than 500 posts here. Use this search to look for something specific. Good luck!
Paddling beyond my diagnosis: First Descents
In my last post I wondered what I was training for, and now I have a fun new purpose. I am training to go kayaking and camping!
Expressing survivorship as an athlete
This experience, where I learned to love something I never knew I would be interested in and be good at it, has made me realize that there are millions of things in the world that I have never thought about… and I might love and be good at. I am so lucky to be alive and have the time and curiosity to search for these things and find my purpose in this world.
Nothing else will be scary again: my goal for 2015
And here I am, making a conscious decision to do something that takes eight months of commitment--eight months of training to do something intimidating, and awkward, and difficult. But I can’t say it is scary because I told myself six years ago that nothing would be scary ever again.
Where I am at, in my head
Check out this amazing (noun) who was diagnosed with (part of the body) cancer. They were on (type of treatment) but it didn’t get them down! No way, no how! They are so (adjective) that they signed up for (type of running activity) and completed it. You should be inspired!