Patient & Researcher Blog
Here I aim to capture what I am learning as a newbie researcher from a patient perspective.
Living with a slow growing brain cancer
It is taboo for researchers to talk about their work before it is published.
I think that’s a bummer.
My favorite part about research is learning new things in real time. Here I share my observations as a learner and my n of 1 (personal) findings as a patient.
Note: I started blogging about brain cancer in 2008, at age 29.
I had no background or knowledge about healthcare when I began. Please excuse typos and other misconceptions. What you read here is me in real time, like a time capsule.
There are more than 500 posts here. Use this search to look for something specific. Good luck!
Spoiler alert, I'm still alive: 10 years later
I have had a brain tumor for one quarter of my life. I am the same person I was before but I am completely changed.
Is there such thing as too much information when it comes to our medical history?
Is it possible I provided too much information for my medical team? Yes, but I believe it better to share everything and leave it to the professionals to weed out extraneous details.
How I chose my new neuro-oncologist
The doctor’s job is to make sure I receive good care, not be my best friend.
Why your health insurance requires prior authorization for some medications
If a person like me can have trouble navigating the complicated nuances of health insurance, prior authorizations and payment, then how can we expect people who don't come from "a place of privilege" to manage their health care?
How I wrote this: My first blog post for a medical journal
The desire for a culture of transparency and openness does not just come from us “sick people.” This is what future consumers of healthcare expect—a group that will continue to grow as people are living longer with chronic conditions and serious illness.
Would you take a short-term opportunity in an attempt to change the world?
What would you do, if you were offered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that, if accepted, would force you to leave the stability and comfort of an ‘everyday job’ BUT – might also give you the opportunity to change the world?
Rock star patient seeks primary care physician to form all-star super group
Highly engaged and empowered patient seeks new Sacramento-area primary care physician within the Sutter Health or UC Davis network.
Pushed out of the nest: Leaving Kaiser for a PPO
Changing health insurance can be scary, but especially for people with pre-existing conditions, and those who are medically complex and “expensive.”